

Resources start out empty — no data, no error, not loading. To trigger a GET request:


Don’t worry about calling loadIfNeeded() too often. Call it in your viewWillAppear()! Call it in response to touch events! Call it 50 times a second! It automatically suppresses redundant requests. (Data expiration time is configurable.)

To force a (possibly redundant) network request, use load():


To mark the resource’s state dirty but defer the load until the next call to loadIfNeeded(), use invalidate():


To update a resource with a POST/PUT/PATCH, use request():

MyAPI.profile.request(.post, json: ["foo": [1,2,3]])
MyAPI.profile.request(.post, urlEncoded: ["foo": "bar"])
MyAPI.profile.request(.post, text: "Many years later, in front of the terminal...")
MyAPI.profile.request(.post, data: rawData, contentType: "text/limerick")

Request Hooks

Siesta’s important distinguishing feature is that observers receive ongoing notifications about all changes to a resource, no matter who initiated the change or when it arrived.

However, you can also attach hooks to an individual request, in the manner of more familiar HTTP frameworks:

    .onSuccess { data in print("Wow! Data!") }
    .onFailure { error in print("Oh, bummer.") }

These hooks are one-offs, called at most once when a specific request completes. They are appropriate when you care about the result of a particular request instead of a resource’s state in general. This is usually what you want for a POST/PUT/PATCH; it is also sometimes appropriate for a user-initiated GET, e.g. when showing a spinner for a manually initiated refresh.

Though they are a less headline-grabbing feature of Siesta, these request hooks are quite robust. They have several advantages over similar hooks in other lower-level frameworks:

Requests include a variety of useful callbacks, including an onProgress that knocks the pants off of the lurchy, freezy progress reporting you get from a network library out of the box.

See Request for details.

Request vs. Load

The load() and loadIfNeeded() methods update the resource’s state and notify observers when they receive a response. The various forms of the request() method, however, do not; it is up to you to say what effect if any your request had on the resource’s state.

Why? When you call load(), which is by default a GET request, you expect the server to return the full state of the resource. Siesta will cache that state and tell the world to display it.

When you call request(), however, you don’t necessarily expect the server to give you the full resource back. You might be making a POST request, for example, and the server may return only the relevant slice of resource state, even a simple “OK” in the form of a 204 with an empty response body.

In this situation, it’s up to you to update the local resource state. There are three ways to do this:

Refresh After Update

One way to handle this is to trigger a load on the heels of a successful POST/PUT/PATCH:

resource.request(.put, json: newState).onSuccess() {
    _ in resource.load()

…or perhaps a POST request gives you the location of a new resource in a header:

resource.request(.post, json: newState).onSuccess() {
    let createdResource = resource.optionalRelative(
        $0.header(forKey: "Location"))

Local Mutation After Update

You can also manually update the local state using Resource.overrideLocalData(with:) or Resource.overrideLocalContent(with:):

resource.request(.put, json: newState).onSuccess() {
    _ in resource.overrideLocalContent(with: newState)

…or perhaps you are making a partial update:

resource.request(.patch, json: ["foo": "bar"]).onSuccess() { _ in
    var updatedState = resource.jsonDict
    updatedState["foo"] = "bar"
    resource.overrideLocalContent(with: updatedState)

This technique avoids an extra network request, but it is dangerous: it puts the onus of keeping local state and server state entirely on you. Use with caution.

Promoting a Request to be a Load

When a POST/PUT/PATCH response returns the entire state of the resource in exactly the same format as GET does, you can tell Siesta to treat it as a load request. Pass your manually created request directly to load(using:):

    resource.request(.put, json: newState)
        .onSuccess() {  })

Next: Configuration