
public protocol EntityCache

A strategy for saving entities between runs of the app. Allows apps to:

  • launch with the UI in a valid and populated (though possibly stale) state,
  • recover from low memory situations with fewer reissued network requests, and
  • work offline.

Siesta uses any HTTP request caching provided by the networking layer (e.g. URLCache). Why another type of caching, then? Because URLCache has a subtle but significant mismatch with the use cases above:

  • The purpose of HTTP caching is to prevent network requests, but what we need is a way to show old data while issuing new requests. This is the real deal-killer.

Additionally, but less crucially:

  • HTTP caching is complex, and was designed around a set of goals relating to static assets and shared proxy caches — goals that look very different from reinflating Siesta resources’ in-memory state. It’s difficult to guarantee that URLCache interacting with the HTTP spec will exhibit the behavior we want; the logic involved is far more tangled and brittle than implementing a separate cache.
  • Precisely because of the complexity of these rules, APIs frequently disable all caching via headers.
  • HTTP caching does not preserve Siesta’s timestamps, which thwarts the staleness logic.
  • HTTP caching stores raw responses; storing parsed responses offers the opportunity for faster app launch.

Siesta currently does not include any implementations of EntityCache, but a future version will.


Siesta calls EntityCache methods on a GCD background queue, so your implementation must be thread-safe.

  • Key

    The type this cache uses to look up cache entries. The structure of keys is entirely up to the cache, and is opaque to Siesta.



    associatedtype Key
  • Provides the key appropriate to this cache for the given resource.

    A cache may opt out of handling the given resource by returning nil.

    This method is called for both cache writes and for cache reads. The resource therefore may not have any content. Implementations will almost always examine resource.url. (Cache keys should be at least as unique as URLs except in very unusual circumstances.) Implementations may also want to examine resource.configuration, for example to take authentication into account.


    This method is always called on the main thread. However, the key it returns will be passed repeatedly across threads. Siesta therefore strongly recommends making Key a value type, i.e. a struct.



    func key(for resource: Resource) -> Key?
  • Return the entity associated with the given key, or nil if it is not in the cache.

    If this method returns an entity, it does not pass through the transformer pipeline. Implementations should return the entity as if already fully parsed and transformed — with the same type of entity.content that was originally sent to writeEntity(...).


    This method may be called on a background thread. Make sure your implementation is threadsafe.



    func readEntity(forKey key: Key) -> Entity<Any>?
  • Store the given entity in the cache, associated with the given key. The key’s format is arbitrary, and internal to Siesta. (OK, it’s just the resource’s URL, but you should pretend you don’t know that in your implementation. Cache implementations should treat the forKey parameter as an opaque value.)

    This method receives entities after they have been through the transformer pipeline. The entity.content will be a parsed object, not raw data.

    Implementations are under no obligation to actually perform the write. This method can — and should — examine the type of the entity’s content and/or its header values, and ignore it if it is not encodable.

    Note that this method does not receive a URL as input; if you need to limit caching to specific resources, use Siesta’s configuration mechanism to control which resources are cacheable.


    The method may be called on a background thread. Make sure your implementation is threadsafe.



    func writeEntity(_ entity: Entity<Any>, forKey key: Key)
  • updateEntityTimestamp(_:forKey:) Default implementation

    Update the timestamp of the entity for the given key. If there is no such cache entry, do nothing.

    Default Implementation

    Reads the entity from the cache, updates its timestamp, then writes it back.

    While this default implementation always gives the correct behavior, cache implementations may choose to override it for performance reasons.



    func updateEntityTimestamp(_ timestamp: TimeInterval, forKey key: Key)
  • Remove any entities cached for the given key. After a call to removeEntity(forKey:), subsequent calls to readEntity(forKey:) for the same key must return nil until the next call to writeEntity(_:forKey:).



    func removeEntity(forKey key: Key)
  • workQueue Default implementation

    Returns the GCD queue on which this cache implementation will do its work.

    Default Implementation

    Returns a concurrent queue with priority QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED.



    var workQueue: DispatchQueue { get }